Monday, January 9, 2012

Woof Pitch

Peppi Turco
Woof Pitch

A Supernatural, Bi-Species, Action-Adventure, Romantic Comedy!

        Birdcage meets Bewitched!

Kathy Griffin as Lauren Rockbuilder! A female attorney of east coast blue blood lineage, who chooses to practice law in aerospace technology. After giving up on the search for Mr. Right when her shady client Ivan Schnakely “the Snake,” forces her to dog sit a very famous, but very important “Championship” dog that “had been used for scientific research.” Reluctantly she is forced into it and the dog shows an extraordinary affection for her.

After an elderly woman, Betty White, is mugged the dog apprehends her attacker, the woman tells Lauren that she would like to give her anything she wishes for. Lauren in amused and declines as Lauren was raised with more money than God to begin with. Then after being stood up for a date with Ivan “the Snake” she bonds with the animal. Then Lauren finds an invitation to her college reunion dinner which is now only thirteen days away and makes a unwittingly wish that “IF ONLY WOOf WERE HUMAN FOR THIRTEEN DAYS!” Suddenly, the wish comes true. Enter Peppi Turco as Woof The Man.

The majority of the comedy comes from the fact that in other movies, the animal would know how to behave like a human. But Woof doesn’t. In fact, after his magical transformation, he is naked and doesn’t know that he is now a man, and in the beginning takes to running naked after a neighbor’s cat. Also, her neighbor Leslie Jordan as Dolly Westridge, a rocket scientist by day and drag queen by night, becomes her partner in crime.

The suspense and drama come from the fact that there are Al Qaeda Terrorist Cells who want Woof and are after him, and Ivan who is responsible for involving the dog to begin with. When Lauren find’s out why, she uncovers a sinister terrorist plot that would make 911 look elementary and since no one will believe her, she enlists Dolly to take it into their own hands to prevent it.

Then there is the magical and mystical world in which Woof evolved that must be dealt with. Sophia Loren as Artemis, Goddess of Wild Things, is from a world that is made of Greek and Roman Mythology.

Although they keep fighting what is obvious they finally give in and Lauren and Woof cross all social barriers when they fall in love with each other. Which is then abruptly railroaded as the thirteen days end and Woof turns back into a dog. It’s when Woof is gone that Lauren knows she doesn’t want to live without him and the race is on to figure out how they are going to accomplish this.

In the beginning Harvey Fierstein as Dr. Shallow, who is her only confidant up until Dolly figures out that something is awry with Lauren she is quickly enlisted as Lauren’s partner in crime. Lauren’s attempts of calling 911 for help only keep reaching Lily Tomlin’s “Ernestine” who gets a rip snorting chuckle out of her own antics. Local West Hollywood Sheriffs include Tab Hunter, Rosie O’Donnell and Bronson Pinchot.

At her law school reunion is Clint Howard as her former hunky fiancé gone to seed and his frumpy Madeline Kahn-esc comedic wife who mistakenly baits Woof into his canine antics. Which, because of his strange and free spirit he becomes the life of the party.

Woof is like a full-bodied wine, peppered with seasoned comedic talents and add a dash of Man Candy with Matthew McConnehey. A show that will be seen by everyone!

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